Digital Intelligence Top-Level Design
Digital Intelligence Top-Level Design
Provide top-level digital planning and multi-scenario special design services for the parks. From macro-positioning to micro-scenarios, and from upper-level architecture to end-end applications, we provide collaborative design to solve the problem of inconsistent planning and patchwork design of digital parks.
Create a systematic overall design model for smart parks which consist of the digital infrastructure design plus platform capability design (Al algorithm, geographic information, application integration, IoT control, data governance) plus application scenario solution design. This model can solve the lack of sharing of the digital infrastructure achievements and the disconnect between the platform system and business systems.
Construction Method for Integrated Planning and Design of Smart Parks
Provide top-level digital planning and multi-scenario special design services for the parks. From macro-positioning to micro-scenarios, and from upper-level architecture to end-end applications, we provide collaborative design to solve the problem of inconsistent planning and patchwork design of digital parks.
Create a systematic overall design model for smart parks which consist of the digital infrastructure design plus platform capability design (Al algorithm, geographic information, application integration, IoT control, data governance) plus application scenario solution design. This model can solve the lack of sharing of the digital infrastructure achievements and the disconnect between the platform system and business systems.
Example 1
Develop a top-level planning design programme for an industrial park
Assist industrial parks in completing the preparation, revision, review and release of top-level planning and design programme in terms of planning background and significance, analyzing current needs, planning ideas, structural designing, planning content, development stages and implementing plan, operation modes, benefit analysis, safeguard measures, and rough estimation of construction and construction investment., and so on.
Example 2
Develop a top-level planning design programme for a state-owned group of companies
According to the characteristics of state-owned companies and the development needs of the Group's digital intelligence, the Group's digital intelligence blueprint was planned from the dimensions of system architecture, data element architecture, digital infrastructure and information security architecture, and digital intelligence organizational structure, and the "four unities" construction principles of unified planning, unified standards, unified construction and unified operation were formulated to solve the problems of the Group's digital construction and to support business development and management optimization.
Example 1 Develop a top-level planning design programme for an industrial park
Assist industrial parks in completing the preparation, revision, review, and release of digital top-level planning and design schemes from the perspectives of planning background and significance, current demand analysis, planning ideas, architecture design, planning content, development stages and implementation plans, construction and operation modes, benefit analysis, safeguard measures, and construction investment estimates.
Example 2 Preparation of top-level planning and design scheme for a state-owned platform group company
Based on the needs of the group's digital development, the overall framework of the group's digital blueprint is planned from the dimensions of digital system architecture, data element architecture, digital infrastructure and information security architecture, and digital organizational architecture. The "four unified" construction principles of unified planning, unified standards, unified construction, and unified operation are formulated to solve the problems existing in the group's digital construction and support business development and management optimization.
Standardized System Guide
Standardized System Guide
Guidelines for Standardised Systems Provide consulting services for the construction of a standardized system for intelligent parks. Currently, we has launched the first version of the "Intelligent Park Construction and Operation Guidelines Based on CIMOS" standard, which includes both software and hardware system construction specifications such as central platforms, planning and construction, precise governance, public safety, industrial operations, enterprise services, and business process guidelines for park management committees, operation service teams, park enterprises, and public individuals. The guidelines aim to direct the construction of park software and hardware systems and business process reengineering, support the park's multiple business scenarios planning and data resource sharing, and promote the intelligent transformation and upgrading of the park.
Provide consultation services for the construction of a standardized system for smart parks. Currently, the company has launched the third version of the "Guidelines for the Construction and Operation of Smart Parks Based on CIMOS" standard, which includes both software and hardware system construction specifications such as central platforms, planning and construction, precise governance, public safety, industrial operations, and enterprise services, as well as business process guidance standards for park management committees, operation service teams, park enterprises, and individual public audiences. The guidelines aim to guide the construction of park software and hardware systems and business process reengineering, support the park's multiple business scenarios and data resource sharing, and promote the intelligent transformation and upgrading of the park.
Construction Method for Integrated Planning and Design of Smart Parks
Example 1 Develop a digital intelligence construction and operation guideline for a free trade zone
Rawing on the successful experience of the construction of excellent digital projects in China, we have identified 8 major standards and 21 standard specifications based on extensive research and discussion to form a complete set of standards for the construction and operation of digital intelligence projects of the parks. The standard system guides the digital intelligence project in the zone, provides standard support for the work in the "regulation, construction and management" stage of the zone, and promotes the comprehensive integration and synergistic management of the intelligent business scenarios from basic data to the construction of application systems.
Example 2 Develop the construction guide of a city intelligent management operating system for a functional park
Based on CIMOS, we built a standard guide for the construction of smart parks, which provides basic technical support for parks’ all stages of "eco-construction and development", reduces the difficulty of landing smart park construction projects, and improves the level of intelligence in planning, construction and management services of the park by formulating the basic principles, basic process, needs analysis, overall design, architecture design, and implementation path planning of smart park construction.
Example 1
Develop a digital intelligence construction and operation guideline for a free trade zone
Rawing on the successful experience of the construction of excellent digital projects in China, we have identified 8 major standards and 21 standard specifications based on extensive research and discussion to form a complete set of standards for the construction and operation of digital intelligence projects of the parks. The standard system guides the digital intelligence project in the zone, provides standard support for the work in the "regulation, construction and management" stage of the zone, and promotes the comprehensive integration and synergistic management of the intelligent business scenarios from basic data to the construction of application systems.
Example 2
Develop the construction guide of a city intelligent management operating system for a functional park
Based on CIMOS, we built a standard guide for the construction of smart parks, which provides basic technical support for parks’ all stages of "eco-construction and development", reduces the difficulty of landing smart park construction projects, and improves the level of intelligence in planning, construction and management services of the park by formulating the basic principles, basic process, needs analysis, overall design, architecture design, and implementation path planning of smart park construction.